Expert meeting on antimicrobial drug resistance in Beijing

In the framework of a National Action Plan against bacterial resistance (2016—2020), 200 scientists from companies and academia met in Beijing on oct. 22. The objective ist o push back the irrational use of antimicrobial drugs by better training of health workers,...

2015 Biodiesel production in China exceeded 300,000 tons

According to the Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology, CAS, biodiesel production in China was 336,000 tons, whereas total production capacity was 3 to 3,5 million tons. The gap is due to insufficient raw material supplies. China Bio news release, October 26,...

Guan Hao Biotech acquires Hangzhou Huidisen Group

With the 1,8 billion RMB acquisition, Guan Hao Biotech will become China’s second largest pharmaceutical enterprise and extend ist business into regenerative medicine, cell therapy and other drugs. Huidisen is a leader in cephalosporin production. China Bio news...