China opens tsunami warning center on the South China Sea

The center, built and managed by China, monitors major earthquake subduction zones — where the Earth plates converge — in the South China, Sulu and Sulawesi seas and provides 24-hour uninterrupted warning services. Until now, services relied on American...

New type of rapeseed oil approved in China

CAAS has approved a novel type of rapeseed oil „Zhong Yusha 1“, obtained from radiation-induced mutagenesis of an African variety of rapeseed. Characteristics are high yield, high oil content and good quality. The tuber seed oil content is 31.3%, which is the oilseed...

Gan Li Pharmaceuticals competes on recombinant insulin markets

The company, which has just started clinical phase III in the USA on glargine, in 2015 ranked 3d in the Chinese insulin market, with 11.2%, behind 53.1% of Nordisk and 26.7% of Sanofi, but has overtaken Eli Lilly (9%). Prices offered by Gan Li are about 20 % under...