According to a rating by People’s Daily, an official newspaper of China’s communist party, the following 10 achievements were most noteworthy:
- Discovery of the first millisecond pulsar by China’s spherical radio telescope FAST
- Successful launch of the environmental monitoring satellite 高5号 (High No. Five)
- Cultivating and harvesting rice in a tropical area of Dubai by CAS experts
- Successful test of the automatic pump dredger “Tianjin”
- Installation of Tianhe No 3, a class E supercomputer
- A nation-wide National Science Promotion Day successfully held on Sept. 15
- The 1st World Public Science Quality Promotion Conference held on Sept. 17, with the “Beijing declaration” on mutual understanding, sharing and promotion of S&T
- The opening of the 55 km long Hong Kong · Zhuhai · Macao bridge
- The 3d Future Science Grand Prizes awarded to 7 Chinese scientists (1 mill. $ each in life sciences, material science, mathematics and computer science), and
- Chang’e-4 lunar landing vehicle’s successful launch towards the back-side of the moon (meanwhile successfully landed there)
People’s Net, January 17, 2019