Oct 17, 2017
According to LI Shaohua, a specialist in this field at CAS Institute of Botany, the first 10.000 m2 Chinese plant was installed in Quanzhou, Fujian Province, as late as June 2016. He sees a great perspective for this technology in China, because a) due to...
Oct 17, 2017
The “Human Cell Atlas” project established by the Facebook-supported Chan Zuckerberg Initiative will invest 3 billion USD over the next decade on basic research towards a human cell atlas https://www.humancellatlas.org. Among the 38 funded projects is a study on...
Oct 12, 2017
Studies have shown that a whole genome duplication event that happened around 100 million years ago played an important role in the origin of aerobic fermentation in Saccharomyces.Two groups at CAS Tianjin Institute of Industrial Biotechnology have now shown that,...
Oct 12, 2017
Organized by the World Data Center for Microorganisms and microbial data centers in 11 other countries including DSZM in Germany, the program of the cooperation is to sequence over 10,000 microbial genomes within 5 years, finally covering over 90 % of all microbial...
Oct 12, 2017
Studies by FU Qiaomei at CAS Institute of Paleoanthropology on ancient DNA extracted from 40,000 years old human bones found near Beijing have shown that the „Tianyuan Man“ inherited about as much Neandertal DNA, 4% to 5%, as ancient Europeans and Asians of similar...
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