Ministry of Science releases top 10 basic reseach results in 2016

The jury consisting of the “973” Program Advisory Group selected the following out of 278 research programs: • Tumor immunotherapy based on cholesterol mechanism • Elucidating the key molecular mechanism of RNA splicing (Tsinghua U., Yigong SHI) • Sperm RNA as a...

Sino-German team start cooperation on liver failure research

The cooperation is between Renji Hospital, associated to Shanghai Jiaotong University, and Heidelberg University, is supported by China’s National Natural Science Foundation and DFG. China Bio news release, February 18, 2016

CAS Hefei Institute of Physics develops sodium-ion battery

According to project leader Yongsheng HU, the design is based on copper and iron-based oxide as anode, anthracite-based soft carbon as cathode, and presently reaches an energy density of 100 Wh/kg. This is less than a lithium-ion battery, but twice the energy density...